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FEMA US Headline
FEMA Region 1 News
Max 37°F 11:44am
Min 31°F 7:38am
Trend: 0.3/hour
Peak Gust Today: 0 mph at 12:00am |
Dewpoint: | 28°F |
Relative Humidity: | 71% |
Barometric Pressure: | 29.78 in. (0.02/hr) |
Precipitation Past Hour: | 0.00 inches |
24-hour Precipitation: | 0.00 inches |
Precipitation: | 0.00 inches |
Max Barometer: | 29.69 in. at 2:44pm |
Min Barometer: | 29.58 in. at 12:29am |
Max "Feels Like" Temp: | 41°F at 11:45am |
Min "Feels Like" Temp: | 31°F at 7:38am |
Precipitation: | 0.92 inches | 23.10 inches |
Peak Wind Gust: | 3 mph | 36 mph |
Max Temperature: | 58°F | 93°F |
Min Temperature: | 6°F | -10°F |
Max Barometer: | 30.53 in. | 30.76 in. |
Min Barometer: | 28.70 in. | 28.70 in. |
Heating DD: | 753.4 | 6721.3 |
Cooling DD: | 0.0 | 672.0 |